Derby Poetry: "Hold Your Horses"

"Hold Your Horses"

Dust frays

And heels dig

Ropes tighten

And muscles grip

A precious thousand-pound




Hooves reared and

Knuckles white

A desperate struggle

Pulse of energy

Met with stalls

Vibrating and electric

Movement fenced

A held breath

Frozen droplets of sweat

Two hearts pound

Pound in hope

To hold

To keep

What we wait for

Wants free

By: Megan Token
Written: February 2021
This poem was submitted into the 2021 Louisville Poetry Derby, selected in the top 10, and read at the virtual conference.
The winners and other selections can be found
To learn about the annual competition, check the Louisville Literary Arts website next spring!

PS: Does this poem come from personal experience as a horse girl? Yes, yes it does. Do I still love these crazy animals? Yes, yes I do. 
