"God Created Glow-in-the-Dark"

God Created Glow-in-the-Dark

autumn leaves glow on cloudy days 

the sun kissed the trees goodbye 

making the world look black and white 

showing off like lamps on the street 

against the grey backdrop and the sleet 

lemon, tangerine, plum, and red colors the trees 


the light shines in the darkness and the darkness shall not overcome it 


you can see stars inside caves 

you can see stars inside caves 

with a light 

liquid drops reflect 

and bend the rays 

setting the ceiling 

with gems and sequins 

among the crickets and bats and mud 

hangs beauty 

like a palace graced with jewels 


the light shines in the darkness and the darkness shall not overcome it 



the ocean’s bacteria is visible at night 

a multicolored pool of tiny creatures 

make their presence known 

a lightwork party in the underwater flow 

to sailors in the sea, alone 

with the stars mapped above 

completing the show 

with perfect majesty 

made for a king 

the royal artist does His work 


the light shines in the darkness and the darkness shall not overcome it

Bible reference: John 1:5
An updated version of this poem was published in the 2021 Asbury Review at Asbury University
Written: November 2020
By: Megan Token
