Liquid Sunshine

What if sunshine was liquid

like lemonade

and what if rain was what washed the stickiness away

Would it burn

a freshly brewed teapot spurting it’s contents

or would it feel comforting and soaking

a hot spring in thin air

the warmth seeping

into cold longing skin

what if sunshine had a flavor

if we opened our mouths when it dropped from its’ source

slow like a lava lamp



does it burn

like fiery cheetos or chili pepper spice

is it lemon

your mouth puckering around

the sour


is there any sweetness

in the sun

fresh lemonade and lemon drop candies

does it disappear

as soon as it hits your outstretched tongue

or does it stick like fruit leather

each chew releasing a revival of flavor

the refreshment

of summer senses

after a long chilly bowl

and cloud flaked season

Written by Megan Token
